Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trip to the Mall

I took two of my grandchildren to the mall.  My daughter, Donna Marie, was tired after being up most of last night.   Joaquin decided that he wasn't sleepy until 3 in the morning.

I left work early and was going to her to help her out.  Today was the first day she was going to be all by herself. Her husband had to go back to work.  I would come around nap time because if the kids see me they would not go down for a nap.  Guess who were still awake.  Poor Donna Marie she looked exhausted.  I quickly got them dressed and we left quickly.  Joaquin was fed and sleeping and Jackson was already down for a nap.

I took Olivia and Josiah on a few errands.  We went to the bank and they received a lollipop each.  It was a comfortable afternoon. I would have gone to the park but I needed to pick up a few things for Joaquin.  A different kind of exercise and maybe a treat would be the ticket for us.

We would go to the mall.
The mall has a fountain which they enjoyed.

Birds sometimes come through the doors near the entrance.  A little bird sat near us.                 
 Olivia was able to get really close before it flew off. 

Olivia and Josiah sat on the steps of the fountain. 

They wanted to get closer and touch the water.  I distracted them by saying lets go to the playground.  I didn't want them to know I was afraid they would fall in and I would have to explain to their mother I let them get that close.

Right next to the fountain is the play area. The area had a Jeff Gordon nascar, a ladybug and a horseshoe crab. These icons represent our state. The things that this little state is very proud and hold dear.

 They really liked this boat. 

While they were playing, Olivia comes walking over to me.  Her head is down and she tells me she would like some ice cream.  I don't know if she was going to whine but when I said okay, she snapped her head up and ran to get her shoes.  She ran past Josiah.  He came to me wanting ice cream as well and I said to get his shoes on and we will get some.

I gave them child size vanilla cones.  They looked pretty big to me.  Josiah had no problem putting that away.  Olivia took her time with hers.  I had a small chocolate shake.  It was so tasty.

I know I should have had a healthy treat but it was a special occasion.

We had a good afternoon at the mall. 

 Mall Rat Abbie


  1. Your grandkids are adorable! Looks like a perfect day -- and bless you for being SO helpful!

  2. Cyn - I think they are adorable too! I hope I am helpful. I sometimes wonder if I am not doing enough.


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