Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Lazy.  That is what my weekend was for me.   The Bruno Mars - "The Lazy Song" sums it all up for me.  I stayed on the couch all day Saturday and watched Real Housewives marathon that Bravo TV had hosted and in between I took cat naps.

I had plans to do a lot of things places to go.  What I didn't count on was how tired I was.  I guess it all caught up with me.  I had been helping my daughter with the kids for the past two weeks. 

I would work half days and then I would head over to her house and I would pick up the two older ones.  I didn't take Jackson because he still needs a nap and if he doesn't get one, he gets incredibly cranky.    It gives Donna Marie a chance to catch her breath,  take a shower, do some chores, or take a nap.
Now my weekend is over.  I feel refreshed but now I have laundry to do, food shopping, clean my house in the little time I have during the work week.  Oh well, it was worth it. 

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed Abbie


  1. I'm not sure the term lazy describes your behavior this weekend. I think rejuvenating may be more accurate. At least that's always my excuse. Sometimes you just need a break!:)

  2. Grump Grateful Mom - I like that excuse and if you don't mind I will use it!!

    Thanks for the idea!


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