Thursday, October 25, 2012

October Day

I have new housemates.  They are the cutest in my eyes.  My son and his family have temporarily moved in and it is great to be greeted by these Angels, when I come home. 

 It was a beautiful day.  Warm with a slight breeze and blue skies.  I took advantage of it and took them in the back yard.

Liam walked around and Zoe loved the texture of the grass.  Actually, Zoe loved to rip the grass out.  I guess it is her way of helping Pappy with mowing the lawn.  She noticed that it was also fun to rain grass on Liam's head.

Liam would laugh and Zoe would get some more grass.  She was having such a good time.
No they are not in the safari or wilderness, that is my backyard.  In desperate need of a mowing and trimming!  Who knew grass still grows in late October??

I love this picture of him. 
Wonder what he is thinking? Its more like "I'm getting tired".
We enjoyed our fall day.
Autumn Lovin'Abbie

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