Is she ready? yes and no
Donna Marie wants to not be pregnant anymore. It is hot and the baby is very big. These last two months have been very uncomfortable. But on the flip side, she is not looking forward to bearing down, the pain, and the needles.
Goodness sakes, who does?!? I know I don't. The pain is the first thing I thought each time I had my sons. You don't know what you are in for on the first child. It is like trial by fire. My daughter being the first trial.
I have been there for each of her babies. We are on her fourth. I would have loved to have been there for my son's daughter's birth. I don't know if I would have been allowed in the room, but I most definitely would have been outside the doors waiting to burst through as soon as I was allowed.
This Tuesday may be the last time I get to see a grandchild of mine born. Donna Marie has stated that this is the last one. But she also stated that with the others kids. Who knows?
My son is expecting to have a son in late July but I wont be there. He lives in Colorado. I can't just be on standby and fly out on a moment's notice. I wish I could but the old purse strings do not allow for that kind of spontaneity. I will be visiting him and his family in August.
My youngest has decided not to have children and even if he changes his mind, the girl will probably rather have her mom in the room with her instead of me.
I am still in awe that a child of mine is going to give birth to another one of my angels. What an early birthday present for me. My birthday being the next day.
I told my daughter that Joaquin (that will be the baby's name) and I will be having week long birthday extravaganzas every second week of June. A week of being worshipped and adored by the family.
That's when she said "Really, Ma" rolled her eyes and said "goodbye, mother!" Now I didn't see her roll her eyes but I have that ability to know how she react to things. I made her after all.
Each child is a blessing! I am so looking forward to hold and meet my newest grandchild.
Now about the week long birthday extravaganzas. Is that too much to ask for??